Epicurean Supplies Ltd

"I was looking for an accountant with integrity, someone that I could trust had the best interests of my business in mind. "

Providing an extensive range of organic fresh vegetables and herbs has been the recipe for success for my team and I at Epicurean Supplies.


Our relationship with BWR started at the company’s inception well over a decade ago. I was looking for an accountant with integrity, someone that I could trust had the best interests of my business in mind. This lead me to make contact with  BWR Director George Speedy, and we have had a strong relationship ever since.


The long business relationship helps me in making some of my business decisions and it’s good having someone who understands my business on board. I am able to bounce my ideas off BWR and they are able to give informed feedback, which is a great help. 


The success of this business revolves around a determination to follow organic principles, when it is not mainstream practice in New Zealand, and a willingness to listen to the market place and follow their needs and wants.


If you would like to find out more on Epicurean Supplies visit  www.epicureansupplies.co.nz


Clyde Potter (Owner/Director)